Nov. 5, 2019 Nick Freeman on 911Wildlife

The speaker for the November meeting will be Nick Freeman with 911Wildlife ( Nick will talk about how 911Wildlife humanly removes animals from houses, apartments, etc. No traps or poisons. One-way doors are installed to evict unwanted residents. Babies relocated so moms can move to new location. Come join us. Free pizza from Brother’s Pizza provided.

GOCC Elections – Message from the President

Hello neighbors, I hope everyone is doing well. The Garden Oaks Civic Club will be having its annual officers elections at the upcoming December holiday party. Every year, a nominating committee made up of GO Civic Club members is created to seek out neighbors who are interested in serving our community by filling any open officer position on the civic club board.
Sometimes the committee’s job is made easy because the current officers will decide to fill the position for another year. This year however, we have 3 officers who will be stepping down. The nominating committee will then meet to seek out neighbors who are willing to serve our community. This slate of candidates will then be presented at the December meeting and voted upon by the civic club members in attendance.
The Garden Oaks Civic Club (GOCC) provides a forum for the residents to actively engage, provide input on neighborhood issues, problem solve and become more cohesive as a neighborhood.
My message today serves two purposes. The first is to ask for volunteers to form and fulfill the task of the nominating committee. It is a pretty straightforward process that usually only requires a couple of meetings. The committee uses the current civic club member list to seek out volunteers to serve on the civic club board and then present that list to the current board for an election to take place.
The second purpose of my post is to ask for volunteers from the neighborhood to serve in the positions of secretary, treasurer and vice-president. I will be stepping down as President as will Teresa Coleman as Treasurer and Helen Sestak as Secretary. Current Vice-President, Tonya Knauth, will run for the President position.
This is a great opportunity for you, our neighbors, to provide a fresh new look and opportunity to share new ideas and perspectives to the benefit of our neighborhood.
I have served as secretary, vice-president and now president and it has been a great experience. I have met neighbors from every section of GO and have made many new friends.
I hope that you give some thought to volunteering to serve on the nominating committee or to fill one of the officer positions on the GO Civic Club board. If you are interested in either group, please contact me or any of the other officers. Our contact information can be found at the Garden Oaks website:
We would like to complete the process sooner than later so I will check back in one week and provide an update on our request for volunteers.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Joe Casarez
Garden Oaks Civic Club President

City Council Candidate Forum

Garden Oaks Montessori Magnet, 7 pm

9 City Council Candidates Plan to Participate - click to see

Candelario Cervantez
Michelle Ganz
Gladys House
Abbie Kamin
Shelley Kennedy
Greg Meyers
Bob Nowak
Daphne Scarbrough
Mary Jane Smith